Dorothy Bunny Bowen

Out of Time:
Ten Thousand Days with a Brush

Memory of Fire Along the Yampa 2

Rozome on Kimono Silk
22 x 28"

These weathered volcanic plugs on the Yampa River near Toponas, Colorado, have always fascinated me. I love the juxtaposition of petrified (frozen) lava, fire-red willows, and snow.

In a land now concerned with beetle-killed forests, drought, and rapidly advancing climate change, these rugged black spires remind us of eons past when fire spewed from the earth, "twenty to thirty million years ago."

Well, what's a couple million years? Now we are "advanced" enough to bring about global change that can be witnessed in a single human lifetime. Well, the industrial revolution which burned fossil fuels did take us a couple hundred years, but who's counting?